Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are Your Energy Healing Sessions About?

At Unravel, we help remove imbalances of any kind in the body, improving the lives of others by transforming the energy in their internal body systems, minds and souls.

Through specific and convenient healing sessions, we customize the healing for each individual according to their needs. Our clients get rewarded with renewed energy, better health and a more positive outlook on everything they face in life.

Our ultimate goal is to help people let go of negative emotions (anger, anxiety, fear, stress) to unearth their soul’s inner qualities of gratitude, compassion and connectedness to the world. They in turn influence others with their positive energy consciously and unconsciously (we are all interconnected!) and bring peace to the environment they are in.

Life is not perfect, but everyone deserves to have a harmonious life and a healthy body!

2. Can Your Energy Healing Sessions Be Done Over The Distance?

Yes! In fact, distant healing sessions are as equally as effective as in-person healing sessions.

Our energy healing sessions are:
– Fast and effective
– Non-harmful (there is never an “overcharge” of energy for your body)
– Non-invasive (no touching of body – great for those who are sensitive to touch)
– 100% private (you do not even have to show your face to be healed – excellent for those who may feel awkward when disclosing confidential information)
– Saves time (you can book a slot at your own convenience without having to travel)
– Accessible even in cases of serious health issues or emergency situations

Furthermore, you get to uncover aspects of yourself that you are not even aware of all these years!

3. How Are Your Energy Healing Sessions Like?

Our body is self-healing, but we do not utilize this healing ability enough for our own good by overloading it with toxins from the food we eat, the air we breathe in, the negative energy we absorb from others around us and even creating negative energy for ourselves.

Just think of a simple situation when a person falls down and gets a wound, the body starts the healing process immediately by closing the wound with clotting before rebuilding it with new tissue. However, during this process, the person simply ignores the wound by keeping it clean and does not rest enough. This wound will still heal eventually, but the process is slower.

What if this injury isn’t just a wound but something more serious, or a health issue that has been bubbling under the surface but the person keeps ignoring it until it blows up, which would lead to the person paying a visit to the clinic or the hospital by then? The body will still try to self-heal, but the time taken to recover compared to the wound will definitely be much slower isn’t it? (not to mention the financial output from your pocket at these places)

We aim to reduce the chances of the body and mind experiencing pain by strengthening the system within, and speed up the healing process for those who are experiencing issues be it physically, mentally or emotionally. These situations can range from minor to major, and one can still benefit from the energy healing sessions we provide at Unravel even if one feels perfectly alright!

Like it or not, everyone is interrelated in this world, we get affected by the environment and events that are happening around us. This means we take in negative energy daily without realizing, and we create negative energy ourselves when our minds and hearts are not aligned. Just imagine someone at your workplace who emits negative vibes all the time and your mood or even productivity gets affected as a result. Would you jump at the chance of becoming “immune” to these things? (we don’t mean numbing yourself to emotions by the way, that is still negative energy suppressed inside your body)

Everyone needs and can receive energy healing!

4. What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is not magic, but an interplay between the environment, the body’s own energy field, and skill.

Quantum physics show us that everything is made up of energy, and everything is connected. Everything is part of the same, continuous whole. It is akin to the wireless network that we all tap into and connect to anyone at any part of the world, anytime we want. We are all part of this unified field of consciousness.

Our body’s electromagnetic field is the underlying flow of energy that assists and supports the body’s normal functioning. Our body itself is intelligent and self-healing. Illnesses, symptoms, and energy blocks all occur in an effort to bring an energy pattern back to its natural flow.

At Unravel, we can speed up the healing process by assisting the health of the energy field and the flow of energy by opening energy channels and allowing sluggish or stagnant energy to flow in its natural patterns.

5. Are There Any Side Effects?

There are no side effects! However, just like a detox session, you may or may not experience a slight cough, slight blocked nose, stomachache, nausea and tears. This is because the body is dispelling negative energies. Some people feel more tired for a while before getting more energised than before, similar to feeling a little depleted after exercising.

6. Is this Reiki healing?

We are not using traditional Reiki healing. Our healing methodology is a combination of Reiki, Qi Gong, modern physics research and other forms of healing. The energy goes right down to the cellular level in the body to change the vibrational frequency of the cells. This is why our healing can be so precise and direct that our clients do not feel any difference between receiving healing at the comfort of their homes or face-to-face with the healer.

7. Does this clash with my religion?

Absolutely not. The healing does not invoke any form of deity or rely on prayers, mantras, spells etc. We are simply tapping on the bioenergy field of your body and the earth’s electromagnetic field. The very core of our bodies and everything in the universe is energy. It is the driving force of life. Just look at nature – the sun, moon, oceans, and the electronic devices we rely heavily on – everything is powered by energy.

8. Why does the stipulated time of each session vary?

Each of us has its own threshold of receiving the energy at that particular point of time. Some of us need more energy than others in one session and maybe less energy in another session.

9. I am very happy and healthy, why should I need this?

It is not only for people who are sick or injured. The goal of our healing sessions is to promote relaxation and stress-relief, which in turn induces self-healing of body, mind and spirit. Just think of this as massage therapy without getting touched.